Me On Media-02

Indicating that I was rising in the media quickly, I guess I would be on TV after the newspaper interview. Okay, it could be 5 years between the two, but we can still count as a success ?

In the TRTOKUL channel, there was a competition program called “you are in control” in those years, we can say briefly as an instructive and more innocent version of the contest concept that we know as foreigners as “Big Brother” and “Someone is Watching Us”. 14 contestants between the ages of 18-25 live in an area specially prepared for them and they are trained on a different subject every day. The subject of an education is Albinism chosen and of course I was invited to teach children.

TRTOKUL kanalında o yıllarda  “kontrol sende” adında bir yarışma programı vardı (varmış), yabancıların “Big Brother” olarak bizim de “Biri Bizi Gözetliyor” olarak bildiğimiz yarışma konseptinin öğretici ve daha masum bir versiyonu diyebiliriz kısaca. 18-25 yaş arasında 14 yarışmacı kendileri için özel olarak hazırlanmış bir alanda yaşıyorlar ve her gün farklı bir konuda eğitim görüyorlar. Bir eğitimin konusu da Albinizm seçilmiş ve tabi ben davet edildim çocuklara eğitim vermem için.

It was a good experience for my first experience to go and be seen on TV in 45 minutes. Unfortunately, I will not be able to share with you as there are no records.


Date : 23.03.2011
Show : Kontrol Sende



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