Me On Media-01

During these times when we stayed at home due to corona virus , I also had the opportunity to add and edit some of my website. In this way, I decided to gather the news that came with interviews or interviews with me before. The first of these is my first interview in the newspapers

The title of the news is “Why are the albinos always ‘the bad guy’? Isn’t it remarkable? Now, just looking at the title, it may seem meaningless or even impulsive, whereas at that time there was a very valid reason. This news in 2006 originates from the movie “Da Vinci Code ” that came to the movies at that time . Dan Brown ‘s biggest book event that inspired the film albino involved in the story when it hit theaters in Turkey, “Silas” character has attracted considerable attention. Of course, a newspaper story about Albinism was inevitable afterwards ?

It did not take long for Yaprak Aras to reach me, while there was a local Association where you can find plenty of resources on the internet, or even contact me, I was almost the only one you could reach at that time. Of course, my website, which has been online since 2000, also has an effect. Thank you Yaprak Hanım for the newspaper article published after the interview over the phone. I admit that my weak face and long hair at that time cannot be compared with now, but it is nice to go back. You can find information about the news below.


Date: 21.05.2006
Media: Milliyet Gazette
Author: Yaprak Aras


Albinolar neden hep ‘kötü adam’?
Albinolar neden hep ‘kötü adam’?


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The fact that the villain Silas in the “Da Vinci Code” was albino angered the albinos. Dennis Hurley, who is also an albino, made a movie called “The Albino Code” (Albino Code) that shows the mistakes in the movie and tells about albinism.

The “villain” twins in the Matrix Reloaded, Bosie in the “Cold Mountain”, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter’s enemy, and more. This bias, which is thought to have appeared for the first time in 1897 with the book “Invisible Man” by HG Wells, is on the agenda again with the “Da Vinci Code”. The evil character in the movie, Silas, is depicted as “his skin as pale as a ghost” and “with evil red eyes” like his counterparts.

Albinism, known as “flowiness”, is actually a lack of pigment cells called melanin. The most important disadvantage of this condition affecting hair, skin and eyes, vision problems and sun sensitivity.

The American National Albino Organization (NOAH) has warned against prejudices in the community due to the character of Silas in the “Da Vinci Code” in the past weeks. Dennis Hurley’s movie “The Albino Code” is in everyone’s language.

The movie, which can be watched free of charge at, takes the “Da Vinci Code” to ti. Hurley tries to break down the “Hollywood bias” and educate people about albinism by transferring the events in the “Da Vinci Code” through the eyes of a real albino. Hurley answered our questions on the phone.

What was your aim in shooting “The Albino Code”?
There is a trend in Hollywood to make fun of albinos and show them as “bad guys”. As a writer and actor, I thought that such a parody would make a sound when the “Da Vinci Code” entered the vision.

Silas karakterini bir albino olarak gerçekçi bulmadığınız halde bu rol için seçmelere katılmışsınız.
Evet, çünkü yapımcılarla konuşup birtakım olumlu değişiklikler yapabileceğimi düşündüm. Bir kere albinolar, iyi göremedikleri için uzağa iyi ateş edemez ve gece yarısı araba kullanamaz. Zaten neticede rolü albino olmayan birine, Paul Bettany’ye verdiler, makyajla albino yaptılar. Yine de yönetmen Ron Howard önemli bir yanlışı düzelterek Silas’ın kitapta kırmızı olan gözlerini filmde değiştirdi. Bu da yazar Dan Brown’ın albinizm konusunda bilgili olmadığını veya araştırma yapmadığını gösteriyor. Albinoların gözleri kırmızı değil açık gri veya mavidir.

What kind of reactions do you get about your movie?
Everyone loves it. I also get support messages from albinos. My main purpose is to make you laugh. But I try to explain what albinism really is with this movie. I do not want Albino children to experience what I have experienced. Let them grow up safe. Movies are important sources of information. A message like “Da Vinci Code” and the like “Albinos are evil, they have supernatural powers” is nothing but false information. We should all accept that we can be different from each other, and even be happy with these differences.

“No problem unless you win the enmity of the society”
Ali Şengöz is 25 years old. He graduated from METU Civil Engineering. He is still working as a project assistant in the Structural Mechanics Laboratory at his school. At the same time, he is making a program at Radio METU. In addition, Şengöz conducts research on albinism and shares it on

How do you feel when you see albinos as “bad characters” in the movies?
The character of Silas in the “Da Vinci Code” did not seem offensive to me. The fact that Silas is on the bad side does not make him look bad. I think it’s okay unless there is a character who can fully win the enmity of society. There are those who love the dark side in “Star Wars”.

What is the biggest problem of albinos?
Eye problem. Therefore, he leaves his education. The number of albinism people attending the university is very low. Because even if you sit in the front, you cannot see the board. Studying, reading books is a big problem. I was using a magnifying glass. But it is very difficult to hold a pen with one hand while holding a magnifying glass with one hand. I was using binoculars to see the board. Unfortunately, teachers cannot help because they do not know albinism. In the simplest way, they can give the exams with larger fonts. Illumination of the classroom, the proximity of the board can be adjusted. I am currently using special glasses called bioptics. It can be called the shape of a binocular mounted on the glasses. The field of view is narrow but better than nothing. You can find them in the Spotlightly Helping Center.

When did you start researching albinism?
While struggling with the ÖSS exam, the eye problem became even more prominent. At that time, the philosophy of taking a more positive view of life, which was frequently mentioned on websites about albinism abroad, was a turning point for me. If you are going to live with albinism, you have to accept the existence of it.

Is it because you are at peace with yourself because you learned better about albinism?
Yeah. When a person does not know what he is experiencing, he is afraid of himself. Maybe that’s why other people react. This is the reason why it is shown as having special powers or badly, especially in movies. In fact, albinism is not a disease, but a genetic condition. Treatment of albinism is currently not possible. You learn to live with it in a way. Instead of denying, he should think about how I can overcome the troubles. It shouldn’t care what others think. It is necessary to approach the event positively.

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